Do your next ascension once you reach into Xe6 HS, which will allow you to outright purchase all ancients.Īfter 1-2 ascensions each transcension, press the settings button in the top right and save, then cancel and copy/paste into here: (set it to Active build, display advanced and drag all three sliders as far to the right as possible). Once you complete your first transcension (and after each transcension) you should follow the same general guidelines above but once you hit Zone 130, immediately ascend and get some levels in Kuma, which will rapidly increase your progress. Being in a good/stable clan help a LOT as you can get ~25-65 rubies per day from clan boss kills. Avoid skill missions for anything except 5-min missions as there are no achievements for 5/25/100/500 skill missions. I prioritized Ruby missions first and HS second if missions types were equal in shortness. I chose to focus on the fastest missions available each time to work towards the 1000 5-minute missions achievement (and was only about half way done by the time I hit Zone 30,000). Hot Tip: Work on your mercenary achievements the entire time you play, as these will take much longer than reaching Zone 30,000. I won't go too deep into the pre-transcension stuff here - just join a clan, start earning rubies, work towards buying 3-4 autoclickers, click the orange fish any time you see it, get mercs going, level up the characters as you see fit (play an active build), ascend when you hit a road block, and work towards first transcend. When you first start the game, your only goal is to reach transcenion.
How to go from Zone 0 to Zone 30,000 in about one month