When in the loading screens, it would be nice to have the screen say "click to continue" or just auto load in when it finishes. I can't quite put my finger on it, but even when playing a classic remake for say Tactics Ogre, that font doesn't give me this issue but for some reason its definitely harder to read for Arcadian Atlas. I strongly think providing an option to have a smoother yet sharper non-pixalated font or making something like that a default would help immensely with this issue. I think this is because of the retro look for high pixalation the game has on the text font. This is an absolute shame, and I don't think this is exclusive to me, since I just have a normal standard 1920x1080 monitor, and don't particularly have any reading issues in general. BUT, I will say that when trying to read the more lengthy pieces, it became physically hard for me to read the font itself when passages of text become fairly long.

I love all the lore bits within the game, and I think the world building is great. Although this would not be required, for general sorting purposes, it would be nice to have. This way it further divides up how you can sort and search through the buy menu. I view doing at least this much would be quite helpful and probably idealįurther onto point 1, I could see it being beneficial in the buy screen to have melee physical weapons all in one tab category, melee magic weapons (if they exist) in another tab category, and then ranged physical weapons in another category, and ranged magic weapons also in another category. When in towns in the buy or outfitter screen, it would be nice as a convenience to have the range of weapons listed whenever you are on a particular weapon.
Please keep in mind that in general I do definitely enjoy what the game has to offer, but I figure resolving some or all of these issues before its full release should give it a more comfortable and polished feel. Here are some of the things I noticed in terms of things I felt giving some critique on. Definitely look forward to its release, but for the sake of being pragmatic, I figure I give some feedback now that I've fully completed the demo. Just wanted to say I definitely do appreciate projects like this, and have had it wishlisted for some time now.